Thursday, January 18, 2018


Thursday, May 15, 2008


I feel as if someone is coming out of me. The me that used to be. I remember things that I have once forgotten. Feel things that I thought were only a memory. Why is this medication like a key that is opening the doors of my sins. Not in a place to do what is bad anymore. See me as good and only that. Locked forever in myself. What would the perfect drug be for me. Sanity or reality? I'll choose the chosen one. Insane thought race through my mind. Cutting them off would make me blind. To see the past is a key point in my future. Learn they say... Learn and you will be better in the end. But if there is no end... Is there no beginning too? What will I have to do to realize myself again? Medications screwing with my mind. Talking to me in ways that long have been abandoned. Kiss of toxic thoughts brush my check. Closer to the light. Spiraling downward, all around. Will someone catch me? Or will I drown.

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