Thursday, January 18, 2018

Daily Life

Daily Life

Sunday Febuary 26, 2012
To wake up each morning,
To start the day anew.
If only I could sleep.
If only each day was new.
I repeat each day all over.
Every day is exactly the same.
Sometimes I wish my life was over.
I wish my life wasn't so lame.
Racing thoughts of things present and past.
Sleepless nights of days that can't last.
Dreamless nights when I do get to sleep.
Thoughts in my head, I can't whisper a peep.
Routine now for over 3 weeks.
Normality is what I really seek.
Suicidal thoughts seep into my mind.
Logically the soulution is the only kind.
Can I save myself from my  own doom?
Can I stop myself from my fated gloom?
I want a normal life to life for once.
To be sometime not so socially awkward for once.
I want to live without this suffering pain.
I would like to be better than I am.


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