Thursday, January 18, 2018



Sunday Febuary 26, 2012
So, ... I haven't written in a while... a pattern has begun again... turmoil in my heart and mind and soul.  I moved over six months ago into a place for "patients" So, I'm living alone. With only one Kitty. I had to give up my other 3 kitties to a no kill shelter. Sad... very sad... My meds are losing effect and I can't stand life for the most part. My place is ok, but I have to go outside the house way to much. I missed all my appointments in January and most in February.... I was sick on and off for that time. I need to find a new PCP. I no longer live with my husband. He can't live with me because he is not a patient. He lives with his momma and works two jobs now. Still not enough money to live on. I'm not going to say I'm going to try to keep my blog up... but... I don't like to lie or break my promises. I live in a bigger city and hate going out for my appointments. I like staying home but then again I hate it. I wish I was better. I am maxed out on my meds and I don't know what else to take to make me better. I am now taking meds for PTSD. Not sure if its helping. Been painting...  I mainly paint dragons.  I have been playing into my fantasy world more and more each day. Its all I live for anymore besides occasionally doing a piece of artwork. I am becoming or am more delusional that I realize. I am going to post a few poems to show my state of mind these past year... Until next time...

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