Thursday, January 18, 2018

Insane Asylum

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Insane Asylum

So as the title says,
I haven't written in so long because,
I was in an Insane Asylum.
Crazy Times!!
I was only there for 10 days.
Though, those 10 dayse were hell.
They switched my meds around,
and then sent me home.
I wanted out.
I asked the doctor if I could leave,
and he let me leave. Neat! ha
So now that I'm out....
I have been having these horrible nightmares.
Demons mostly.
When I first got out,
I couldn't sleep in the dark.
I had and still have bad panic attacks.
Thank God for the Xanax!
I'm doing better now.
I don't have panic attacks like I did before.
I can even sleep in the dark.
Sounds crazy but that hospital was crazy.
I hate being confined and the hospital was one
big jail for me to be in.
I'm doing what I love now.
Well, most of what I love doing.
I'm living again.

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